zero order kinetics of phenytoin

is used in the management of generalized tonico-clonic and complex partial ... follows nonlinear (or at therapeutic
elimination : ... Many drugs are eliminated by first order kinetics ... Examples are Ethanol, Phenytoin Salicylates, Cisplatin, Fluoxetin,
1 апр. 1994 г. -
means that the amount of excretion is independent of the amount of ... ex.of are-phenytoinalcohol,salicylates.
28 авг. 2014 г. - mnemonics: PEA, ...
Pea also stands for 'Pee'-ing out a constant amount as in constant ... Phenytoin Phenylbutazone; Warfarin; Heparin; Ethanol; Acetaminophen
2 дек. 2014 г. -
Define first-order and therapy. Introduction ... the rate constant.
A. PARAMETERS. Bioavailability (F): 0.90 - 1.0. Salt Factor (S): 0.92 - Na(caps, IV) ... Elimination: capacity limited metabolism (Zero order